Interactive Conference Room Displays

Posted: Sept. 10th, 2015

Video and interactive display technology have become an indispensable tool for relaying information. While it was once true that these displays were little more than a flashy gimmick, today they have real benefits for companies.

They can be used to improve the efficiency of meetings and briefings by facilitating the flow of data, ideas, and decisions. Ultimately, this makes an organization more responsive to emerging market conditions. In short, this technology can give a company a competitive advantage by increasing the efficiency of collaboration between stakeholders.

Reduced Technology Costs
Reduced Technology Costs Due to the Emergence of a Number of Large Touch Screen Manufacturers
The price of large touch screen devices has reduced due to the growing demand from consumers. As with any industrial product, manufacturers enjoy the benefits of economies of scale, resulting in greatly reduced production costs when more units are produced. This allows them to further stimulate demand by reducing prices.

Another benefit of great demand is the emergence of a number of large touch screen manufacturers. This leads to competition, which results in better deals for consumers. In this case, better deals mean better prices, better customer service, and better after-sales care.

As a result, even professional large screens are now available at a price that most businesses can easily justify, especially in light of the benefits outlined in the rest of this article.

Connecting Stakeholders
Interactive Displays in the Conference Room
Many cases of organizational waste and inefficiency can be traced back to a failure to coordinate activities at a managerial level. When you add the cost of missed opportunities, it becomes clear that frequent meetings and briefings are essential to avoid this waste.

This becomes more important as the company scales up. But there is another factor. As a company scales, key stakeholders become more embroiled in the work of managing their own spheres of responsibility. This can often mean that they are called away from the central office to deal with a situation at a satellite location. This often leads to canceled meetings or results in a poorly coordinated team.

While teleconferencing has been touted as a solution for years, it has often fallen short of expectations. Slow Internet connections and small laptop screens have added a degree of disconnect that robs meetings of their face-to-face immediacy. But Internet connections have improved considerably in the last several years. And large interactive screens dramatically improve the "telepresence" effect. What's more, they make it possible to share a virtual "whiteboard," making it easier to brief teams using AV assets and aiding collaboration.

Facilitating Feedback
A Touch Screen Device Makes it Easy for Participants to Provide Feedback
The essential element that makes touch screens an essential technology is the fact that they enable the viewer to interact with a presentation. Participation is an important element of almost all meetings, where stakeholders have vital information and insights to contribute.

Old presentation technologies have excelled in providing a one-way flow of information but have made it difficult for participants to contribute. In other words, they were excellent for lecturing to a group of people, but they did not support feedback.

Today's presentation software is designed with collaboration in mind and a touch screen device makes it easy for participants to interact with this software easily. They make it easy for participants to add their own annotations and communicate visually. What's more, these annotations can become a permanent part of the digital assets, turning a static presentation into a living document. The benefit to a business is the rapid dissemination of data and ideas in multiple directions, removing barriers that would prevent the team from communicating efficiently.

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