Intech Non-Contact Smart Library Solution Aid the Reopening of Schools in Wuhan

Posted: Jun. 04th, 2020

After evaluating the evolution of COVID-19 pandemic in the China context, more and more enterprises and schools are planing to resume work and reopen the school gradually. However, safeguard the security is still put priority, accordingly, Intech put forward the “non-contact” smart library solution to assist the reopening of JiangXia No.1 Middle School in Wuhan city.
JiangXia No.1 Middle School in Wuhan
This time, the school introduced a majority of smart library equipment to upgrade its library service to a greater level. Therefore, students who hold an activated card will make a special trip to the library with self-service experience by requesting book, borrowing or returning books on the Intech self-service kiosk. In this way, it not only reduce the physical contact between students and librarians, but also boost the rate of the circulations and library management.
Intech self-service kiosk & smart ventory cart
Intech RFID safety gate, as an important component of the Intech “non-contact” smart library solution, is installed at the entrance of the library, which not only protect the library items, but also provide a patron count, thanks to the inbuilt library analysis management system. The system keeps track of the ingoing and outgoing visitors through the safety gate in real-time and a total count for daily, weekly or monthly, and keeps the library traffics under the control to ensure the social distance.
Intech RFID security & detection system
Besides, the school employed Intech smart mini library as an extra outreach for 24/7 self-service. And the students, as a result, can embrace this service even  the library is closed. Intech smart min library is always ready for the check out and check-in service, even the renewal or reservation service. No denying to this point is affirmed the value of its convenience, as whether the library staff or students, give an positive evaluation of its installation.
Intech smart mini library
Intech “non-contact” smart library solution has stepped into many schools to help their safely reopening as Hubei ends its lockdown now.

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